Film: Impressions and Memories, 25 minutes long documentary film on Rabindranath Tagore’s 150th birthday celebrations in Germany, 2011-12, written, filmed and directed by Jenner Zimmermann, in cooperation with Ralf Schlotter (camera) and Anja Freyhoff (editing), commissioned by the Goethe-Institut Mumbai/India

Soccer Visions – Neuseeland, short film for the Soccer World Cup, 2006; Wynton Rufer teaches a Maori boy how to play soccer, 10 min, written, filmed and directed by Jenner Zimmermann, commissioned by the Kulturreferat München (cultural department of the City of Munich)

Audiovisual Presentation on 20th century Germany ZEITBILD / ZWEITBILDER (Timeframe/ a Second Look), 25min, 1996, written, photographed and directed by Jenner Zimmermann, music composition by Stroer Bros., commissioned by the Goethe-Institut head office and distributed to the German Goethe-Institut branches worldwide.

Audiovisual Presentation VON GOETHE (on Goethe), showcasing aspects of the life of the German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe on the occasion of his 250th birthday 1999, 20 min, 1999, Germnan and English versions. Written, photographed and directed by Jenner Zimmermann, text in cooperation with Friedemann Bedürftig and Susanne Betz, music compositions by Stroer Bros. Commissioned by the Goethe-Institut head office and for worldwide distribution to the German Goethe-Institut branches.